Custom Search

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Defining a class and creating an array of the class, then sorting and searching the array

#include <vector>


#include <cmath>

#include <fstream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <string>

using namespace std;


const long SIZE=6;

const double PI=3.14159;


class tankcar {

//********the following attributes representthe object********************

//**********they can only be acessed by the methods***********************



    string id;

    double radius;

    double length;

    double weight;

    char type;


//******************here begin the method prototypes***********************

//******************the methods define the interface**************

//******************between the "outside world" and *****************

//******************an object's attributes*********************************


    tankcar(); //constructor has same name as class

//overloaded constructor

tankcar(string initial_id, double initial_radius,double initial_length,double initial_weight,

            char initial_type);


~tankcar(); //destructor


//readers - report current values of class attributes

    double read_radius();

double read_length();

double read_weight();

char read_type();

    double read_volume();

    double read_girth();

    double read_area();

    string read_id();

//writers - update the values of attributes

    void write_radius(double);

    void write_length(double);

    void write_weight(double);

    void write_type(char);

    void write_id(string);


//************************end class definition**************************


//************************begin class method definitions****************

//*** The :: is called a scope resolution operator ********************

//*** The scope resolution operator notifies the compiler where to look for

//*** the declarations of variables not declared in the method blocks**


tankcar::tankcar() //constructor has same name as class


     id ="";







//overloaded constructor

    tankcar::tankcar(string initial_id, double initial_radius,double initial_length,

            double initial_weight,char initial_type)

    { cout<<"\noutput for this example,note an initialized tankcar has been "<<


     id = initial_id;







//destructor for this application does nothing

//only one destructor allowed


tankcar::~tankcar() //destructor




//readers - report current values of class attributes

double tankcar::read_radius()

        {return radius;}

double tankcar::read_length()

        {return length;}

double tankcar::read_weight()

        {return weight;}

char tankcar::read_type()

        {return type;}

double tankcar::read_volume()

        {return PI*pow(radius,2.0)*length;}

double tankcar::read_girth()

        {return 2.0*PI*radius;};

double tankcar::read_area()

        {return 2.0*PI*radius*(radius+length);}

    string tankcar::read_id()

        {return id;}

//writers - update the values of attributes

void tankcar::write_radius(double new_radius)


void tankcar::write_length(double new_length)


void tankcar::write_weight(double new_weight)


void tankcar::write_type(char new_type)


    void tankcar::write_id(string new_id)

        {id = new_id;}

//***********end of methods for class account***********************


//********start general function prototypes for application*******


void get_cars(vector <tankcar> &c);    //if the function updates the vector

                    //the vector must be passed by explicit reference

void print_cars(vector <tankcar> c);

void sort_cars_by_id(vector <tankcar> &c);

void use_linear_search(vector <tankcar> c);

void use_binary_search(vector <tankcar> c);

int linear(vector <tankcar> c,string search);

int binary(vector <tankcar> c,string search);


int main()


vector <tankcar> cars;












return 0;



void get_cars(vector<tankcar> &c)

{tankcar next_tanker;

double rad, len,w;

char t;

string id, file_name;

ifstream in;

cout<<"enter name of tank car data file"<<endl;

getline(cin, file_name);;


{cout<<"cannot open "<<file_name<<endl;




in>>id>> rad >>len >>w>>t; //priming read for test of eof

while (!in.eof())

{ next_tanker.write_id(id);





c.push_back(next_tanker); // add a copy of the next_tanker to the end of the vector

in>>id>> rad >>len >>w>>t; //all subsequent data read here and tested for eof

                //at the top of the loop-read first then test for eof






void print_cars(vector<tankcar> c)

{int i;







for(i=0; i < c.size(); ++i)

{ cout<< setw(4)<<c[i].read_id()



     << c[i].read_weight()<<setw(8)<< c[i].read_type()

     <<setw(15)<< c[i].read_volume()<<setw(10)<< c[i].read_girth()

     <<setw(12)<< c[i].read_area()<< endl;




/* Bubble sort with early exit when no swaps*/

void sort_cars_by_id(vector<tankcar> &c)


tankcar temp;

int i,j,swapsmade=1;


for( i=c.size(); i >=2 && swapsmade ; --i)

{    swapsmade = 0;

    for(j=0; j < i-1; ++j)


        if( c[j].read_id() > c[j+1].read_id())

        { temp = c[j];


         c[j+1] = temp;

         swapsmade =1;







void use_linear_search(vector<tankcar> c)

{int k, more;

string search_id;


    cout<< "enter the id of a tank car whose volume you want to know:";

    cin>> search_id;


    if (k<0)

        cout<<"tankcar "<<search_id<<" not found\n\n";


        cout<< "the volume of car " << search_id <<" is "<<c[k].read_volume()<<"\n\n";


    cout<<"enter 1 to continue this query process; otherwise enter a 0:";


} while(more);



void use_binary_search(vector<tankcar> c)

{int k, more;

string search_id;


    cout<< "enter the id of a tank car whose volume you want to know:";

    cin>> search_id;


    if (k<0)

        cout<<"tankcar "<<search_id<<" not found\n\n";


        cout<< "the volume of car " << search_id <<" is "<<c[k].read_volume()<<"\n\n";


    cout<<"enter 1 to continue this query process; otherwise enter a 0:";







int linear(vector<tankcar> c,string search)


int i;

for( i=0; i<c.size(); ++i)

{if(search == c[i].read_id())

return i;


return -1;




int binary(vector<tankcar> c,string search)


int mid, lo=0, hi= c.size()-1;


while (lo <= hi)

{mid = (lo + hi)/2;

if( search < c[mid].read_id())

hi = mid-1;


if (search > c[mid].read_id())

lo = mid +1;


return mid;


return -1;


[pt@cs my_prog1]$

[pt@cs my_prog1]$ c++ search_class_vec.C

[pt@cs my_prog1]$ a.out

+enter name of tank car data file




id radius length weight type volume girth area


1234 12.00 40.00 12000.00 a 18095.56 75.40 3920.70

4321 12.00 35.00 11000.00 a 15833.61 75.40 3543.71

5423 10.00 35.00 10000.00 b 10995.56 62.83 2827.43

3333 13.00 40.00 14000.00 c 21237.15 81.68 4329.11

1123 13.00 40.00 14500.00 c 21237.15 81.68 4329.11

9933 10.00 35.00 10000.00 b 10995.56 62.83 2827.43

8865 14.00 20.00 12000.00 d 12315.03 87.96 2990.79

-------enter the id of a tank car whose volume you want to know:1111

-------tankcar 1111 not found


enter 1 to continue this query process; otherwise enter a 0:1

enter the id of a tank car whose volume you want to know:9999

-------tankcar 9999 not found


enter 1 to continue this query process; otherwise enter a 0:1

enter the id of a tank car whose volume you want to know:1123

-------the volume of car 1123 is 21237.15


enter 1 to continue this query process; otherwise enter a 0:0



id radius length weight type volume girth area


1123 13.00 40.00 14500.00 c 21237.15 81.68 4329.11

1234 12.00 40.00 12000.00 a 18095.56 75.40 3920.70

3333 13.00 40.00 14000.00 c 21237.15 81.68 4329.11

4321 12.00 35.00 11000.00 a 15833.61 75.40 3543.71

5423 10.00 35.00 10000.00 b 10995.56 62.83 2827.43

8865 14.00 20.00 12000.00 d 12315.03 87.96 2990.79

9933 10.00 35.00 10000.00 b 10995.56 62.83 2827.43

-------enter the id of a tank car whose volume you want to know:1111

-------tankcar 1111 not found


enter 1 to continue this query process; otherwise enter a 0:1

enter the id of a tank car whose volume you want to know:9999

-------tankcar 9999 not found


enter 1 to continue this query process; otherwise enter a 0:1

enter the id of a tank car whose volume you want to know:3333

-------the volume of car 3333 is 21237.15


enter 1 to continue this query process; otherwise enter a 0:1

enter the id of a tank car whose volume you want to know:4321

-------the volume of car 4321 is 15833.61


enter 1 to continue this query process; otherwise enter a 0:0


The file read by the program.



1234 12 40 12000 a

4321 12 35 11000 a

5423 10 35 10000 b

3333 13 40 14000 c

1123 13 40 14500 c

9933 10 35 10000 b

8865 14 20 12000 d



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